BILDEGALLERI : Persongalleri - Altmann (new may 2007)

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6. Kristian Selmer Altmann


This photo is of the young and handsome Kristian Selmer.

Taken in Tromsø before he emigrated to Canada?


7. Kristian Selmer Altman


This photo of Kristian Selmer Altman (1904 - 1993) must have been taken in Canada after emigrating.


 (click on the picture to enlarge)


8. Kristian Selmer Altman with family


This photo shows Kristian Selmer and his wife Maria (Mary) Marguerite Protasewiez Altmann with Marias older doughter Anita from her first marriage, and Kristian and Marias doughter Lenore (who sent me this photo and family info.).


The photo is probably from around 1938 when Lenore was 4-5 years.


9. Kristian Selmer Altmans daughter and family


Lenore Louise Altman Wallce with her husband David and their daughters Leanne  in front with her mother  and  Shelley with her father.

They live in   Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.


(click on the picture to enlarge)




Altmann - 10. Erling Ovesen Altmann og kona Martha


Stilig gammelt foto av Erling og Martha Altmann som ungt par.

De utvandret til Chicago i 1912 og har i dag (2021) etterkommere både i USA og Canada.


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